Fashion Impact Summit 2022

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Tinkerlust always innovates to provide the best services that make it easier for sellers and buyers. We have been well aware that fashion has been causing harmful environmental and social impacts for a long time

But shifting towards a more sustainable fashion industry can have very positive impacts on the people and the planet


The fashion industry always promises new innovations. These ever-changing trends, ideas, and creativity are the reason behind such interest in the fashion industry

Despite huge demand and interest, the fashion industry plays a major role in environmental pollution

The immersion of thrifting, as a trend, is also something that has given sustainability in fashion a big opportunity to be developed, as it gives a garment another chance to be used 2 - 3 times


Tinkerlust has made our contribution to minimize fashion waste by ensuring that each of the products that we sell can find a new home in our customers closet or by donating our unsold items to those in need

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